Promise and Fulfilment - Palestine 1917-1949 - Arthur Koestler

Promise and Fulfilment - Palestine 1917-1949

By Arthur Koestler

  • Release Date: 2011-10-12
  • Genre: History

This book consists of three parts, “Background”, “Close-up” and “Perspective”. The first part is a survey of the developments which led to the foundation of the State of Israel. It lays no claim to historical completeness and is written from a specific angle which stresses the part played by irrational forces and emotive bias in history. I am not sure whether this emphasis has not occasionally resulted in over-emphasis—as is almost inevitable when one tries to redress a balance by spot-lighting aspects which are currently neglected. But it was certainly not my intention, by underlining the psychological factor, to deny or minimize the importance of the politico-economic forces. My aim was rather to present, if I may borrow a current medical term, a “psycho-somatic” view of one of the most curious episodes in modern history.
The second part, “Close-up”, is meant to give the reader a close and coloured, but not I hope technicoloured, view of the Jewish war and of everyday life in the new State. It opens and ends with extracts from the diary of my last sojourn as a war correspondent in Israel. The emphasis here is on life in the towns, with only occasional glimpses of the collective settlements, since I have given a detailed description of these in an earlier book.
The third part, “Perspective”, is an attempt to present to the reader a comprehensive survey of the social and political structure, the cultural trends and future prospects of the Jewish State.


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Pastor Shahuano
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