Angel on Probation - Don Miller

Angel on Probation

By Don Miller

  • Release Date: 2011-08-02
  • Genre: Fiction & Literature

Psychologist Doctor Gary Brennan's wife died of a drug overdose. This started Doc on a crusade to save America's drug addicts before they kill themselves, go to jail or go crazy.

Doc has spent years making the rounds of his elected leaders trying to convince them that sobering up addicts saves lives and money. Unfortunately, Senator Steel, who Doc tries hardest to convince, is actually a Devil himself working to turn the human race into addicted lost souls.

Grace is on probation because in her last assignment 350 years ago a housekeeper was very lonely. Grace used some angel dust on three guys, with the idea they would be attracted to her. They were so aroused they ended up raping the girl, causing Grace to lose her wings and be placed on probation. Her coming back to earth in a cloned but very attractive body to help Doc was her first assignment in 350 years.
One of the first things Grace does on earth is to call up her old Friend Laz, or Lazarus who was raised from the dead but something was changed in his DNA and he became an immortal. Grace and Laz have known each other for 2,000 years.

After not eating for 350 years Grace gorges herself on hamburgers and ends up vomiting. Unaware of the modern-day separate facilities for men and women, Grace follows Doc into a men's bathroom and has to be told to wait outside. Another time she insists that Laz (who is curator of the Antiquities Museum) take her cousin's mummy off display in the Egyptian exhibit. Grace was a water/beer girl for the pyramid builders some 3,000 years before Christ and before her Angel days. There are heart-warming scenes like when the children who have been in foster homes are reunited with their now sobered-up parents.

With Laz's help, and in the course of battling dragons, various forces of Evil and Beelzebub, Doc and Grace proceed to implement Doc's Clean and Sober Forever program. The final battle is The Circle of Fire in which the Angels, Doc and Laz have a show down with the devil and his cloned zombie squads.

Grace and Doc are strongly attracted to each other but in spite of temptation, Grace does not become a fallen Angel. Does Doc finally find love? How does he finance the continuation of "Whispering Pines," his teenage rehab center? How does he survive arrest and jail for false accusations of perversion?

In between sobering up reluctant teens and enrolling those leaving prison in Doc's and Angel Grace's Clean and Sober Forever program before they descend back to drugs, Grace keeps pushing Doc to put his ideas on paper. He can't keep up with her demands and says, "You help me write it," and she does and they alternate writing the chapters. Their final product is their book "Escape from Hell: Clean and Sober Forever" by Angel Grace and Dr. Gary Brennan.


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