Swerve: Life Altering Wisdom from Saints, Masters, and People Like You and Me - Kevin Cullen

Swerve: Life Altering Wisdom from Saints, Masters, and People Like You and Me

By Kevin Cullen

  • Release Date: 2021-12-14
  • Genre: Self-Improvement

Have you ever read something that fundamentally changed the way you looked at your life, your business, your situation, and those around you? Has someone ever said something to you that opened your eyes to a whole new possibility?

As a business consultant, Kevin Cullen was always looking for ways to approach business that allowed him to offer clients new access to their traditional way of thinking, speaking, being, and acting.

Virtually everything we know, we’ve learned from another. For most, this began with our parents—they taught us how to speak, walk, eat, and gave us the foundation for functioning in life. As we grew older, others entered our life—relatives, teachers, playmates, and even strangers. We are continually learning and discovering as we go through life, and hopefully those things we learn help us to be better people, improve the quality of our lives, and be more effective, satisfied, and fulfilled.

Throughout his life, Kevin had the unique opportunity to spend time with some amazing people—Mother Teresa, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, gurus, philosophers, business leaders, celebrities, teachers, and leading-edge thinkers, to name a few. Some of the best lessons in this book are based on insights gained from these folks. Kevin shares these conversations and stories with readers here so they, too, might gain some of the incredible benefits. These lessons are not intended to provide answers, but rather to provoke an inquiry for you that will perhaps have you discover something for yourself…ultimately leading to a transformation in the way you live life.


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Pastor Shahuano
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Wouter van der Giessen
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